Gaelyn Gregory
Sports JournalismThis fall I will enter my senior year of high school and, although I am young, I feel I have a good grasp of what I would like to do as a career.
I have a passion for journalism, particularly sports journalism. I believe that to record and report newsworthy events is an honor that I want to earn. With it comes a requirement to understand and respect the ethics and responsibility of journalism.
I have been writing for my school online newspaper, “Wordsworth”, for two years and am contributing regular news and sports pieces. In addition, I have created my own blog where I post sports related work. I submit regular articles to three online websites involving the English Premier League. Also, I am the creator and editor of an online website covering women’s soccer. Entering my senior year, I will become a Sports Columnist for “Wordsworth”.
I plan to pursue journalism as my college major. There is so much I want to learn about this fascinating field of study.
My career goal is to become a sports reporter for a soccer club in England. My favorite team has always been Manchester United. Therefore, my dream job would be involved in the club as a reporter. I would conduct interviews, write specialty pieces, and cover other team related events on a daily basis.
I have always been invested in all sports. Should I fall short of my ultimate goal of joining the Red Devils, I know that, wherever my career path takes me, I will enjoy my job in the sports journalism world.
Link to my articles from Wordsworth: http://www.mfswordsworth.com/author/gregoryg/
Women’s Soccer Website: https://womenssoccertalk.wordpress.com/